Becoming Your Future Self, Now. The Power of Listening and “I AM” Statements

“I am home.”
“I am enough.”
“I am ready.”
“I am integrated.”
“I am a lighthouse.”
“I am courage.”

These powerful “I AM” statements resonated deeply from our recent retreat in the breathtaking California wine country.

For years, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of “I AM” statements as a roadmap to embodying our future selves in the present moment. It’s more than just positive affirmations; it’s about stepping into the feeling of that future self, aligning your actions and beliefs to match that vision, even if the reality hasn’t fully manifested yet.

As some wisely say, we “act our way into a new way of thinking.”

But the true magic lies in the process that gives life to these statements. A collective journey of deep listening and reflection vs a singular moment are how we start to create the magic.

Here’s how we unlocked those potent “I AM” statements:

The Power of Attentive Listening:

Each participant bravely shared their personal growth aspirations, revealing the gaps between their current reality and their desired future. They articulated the emotional landscape and contextual factors that were holding them back. This vulnerability set the stage for a unique listening experience.

We listened with intention. Each listener was assigned a specific “filter” to focus on:

  • Emotions and Decisions: This group tuned into the underlying feelings and the choices driving the speaker’s narrative.

  • Values and Beliefs: This group identified the core principles and assumptions shaping the speaker’s perspective.

  • Identity and Threats to Identity: This group explored how the speaker defined themselves and what challenges or insecurities were impacting that sense of self.

The Mirror of Shared Perception:

After each participant shared, the listeners took turns relaying what they heard through their assigned filter. The results were astonishing. Each listener offered a unique and valuable perspective, revealing layers of insight the speaker hadn’t fully recognized.

The overwhelming response was a sense of being truly “seen and heard.” We all marveled at how the diverse filters placed a spotlight on the intricate interplay of emotions, values, and identities in their experiences. This process provided a context for understanding their current patterns and identifying potential pathways for change.

From Insight to Embodiment:
It was through this lens of compassionate, filtered listening that participants gained crucial insights into how they could begin to practice a new way of showing up. The “I AM” statements that emerged were not arbitrary; they were distilled from the core truths uncovered during each step. They became what each person wanted to claim for themselves, and there is so much power in that!

The Ripple Effect of Connection:
When we are fortunate enough to have individuals in our lives who can truly reflect our inner world, the impact is extraordinary. It fosters self-awareness, deepens connection, and empowers us to bridge the gap between our present and future selves.

Bringing It Into Your Life:

You can cultivate this transformative practice in your daily life:

  • Practice Active Listening: When someone speaks, truly focus on understanding their perspective. Put aside your own agenda and listen with empathy.

  • Consider Listening Filters: Even if you are listening to yourself, consider listening through different filters. What are your emotions telling you? What values are driving your actions? How is your identity being impacted?

  • Craft Your “I AM” Statements: After a moment of reflection or dialogue, distill the essence of your desired future self into powerful “I AM” statements.

  • Embody Your Statements: Don’t just recite them; live them. Align your actions, choices, and beliefs with the feeling of those statements.

As we act our way into a new way of thinking, the “I AM” statements become our future, connecting us to our most authentic and empowered selves, starting a new yet powerful way to cultivate intention and navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and purpose.

The Power of One Word: Cultivating Intention in a Busy World

In the quiet moments before my yoga class begins, our instructor often poses a simple yet profound question: “What is your intention for class today?” Sometimes they offer a word – “renewal,” “potential,” – and I’d happily adopt it.

But lately, I’ve discovered the transformative power of choosing my own one-word intention. It’s not just a fleeting thought; it’s a powerful guide in the midst of a busy, often overwhelming, world.

Why One Word?

The elegance of a one-word intention lies in its simplicity. It’s easily recalled, quickly reflected upon, and adaptable to various situations. Oprah herself has often spoken about the importance and power of focusing on a single word to guide actions and decisions.

Simplicity = Clear, Concise Focus

Maybe this is something you do at the beginning of the year or in creation of a vision board. I have found that my year shifts, creating a need to evolve or redefine my focus for that given season.

Think of it as a personal mantra, a quiet reminder of what I want to cultivate or embody. In a world vying for our attention, this single word cuts through the noise and helps us reconnect with what truly matters.

What this looks like for me in February:

This month, my chosen word is “strength.” Initially, it was a nod to my physical well-being, a reminder to prioritize it as I navigate the aging process. But “strength” has evolved into so much more. I see it in all aspects of life, helping guide my decisions and reorient to my one clear focus.

  • Work Challenges: Faced with a demanding project, I approach it with strength and confidence. This mindset has demonstrably improved my work. I’m more resilient, less prone to discouragement, and more likely to seek creative solutions.
  • Overwhelming World: When the news or the state of the world feels overwhelming, I look inward at my inner strength. This helps me avoid spiraling into anxiety and empowers me to focus on what I can control.
  • Workout Struggles: When my workout feels particularly challenging, I remind myself that I’m building strength, investing in my well-being. This reframes the struggle as an act of empowerment.

Choosing Your Word:

Finding the right word requires a bit of introspection:

  • Reflect: Consider your current needs. Are you juggling a challenging project? Do you need more patience or connection? Journaling can be a valuable tool for exploring these questions and uncovering deeper insights.
  • Feel: Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and tune into your inner landscape. What word resonates with you? What feeling do you yearn to experience? As Brené Brown emphasizes in her research on emotions, identifying and understanding our feelings is crucial for well-being. Our intentions should be rooted in the emotions we wish to cultivate.
  • Consider Your Goals: What do you hope to achieve – today, this month, this year? What quality will best support your aspirations? Think about how a single word can act as a stepping stone toward your larger goals.

Allow your word to guide your actions.

Tips for Integrating:

  • Make it Visible: Write your word on a sticky note, in your journal, or set it as your phone’s lock screen. Constant visual reminders reinforce its presence in your consciousness.
  • Regular Check-ins: Pause throughout the day to reflect on your word. How are you embodying it? Are your actions aligned with your intention?
  • Embrace Flexibility: If your chosen word no longer resonates, don’t hesitate to change it. Your intention is a living, breathing thing, and it’s okay for it to evolve.

Integrating a one-word intention into your daily life can be surprisingly transformative. As Gretchen Rubin suggests in her work on habits, focusing on one small change can have a ripple effect. Your chosen word can be that catalyst for positive change. It’s a simple yet powerful way to cultivate intention and navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and purpose.