Braving the 2020s

A few years ago, I read Brené Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness. Like so much of her work, it’s reflective, accessible and eminently actionable. Her acronym BRAVING (which stands for boundaries, reliability, accountability, vault, integrity, non-judgment and generosity) has been my guide for the 2020s.

I was so ready to close the books on the few years that preceded this decade. I was finally seeing the light at the end of a dark three-year tunnel that included my father’s death (the person to whom I was the closest in the world), a painful and unexpected divorce (that left me lonely and afraid), and facing my daughter’s depression and my own anxiety (both of which I had been spectacularly unaware).  

Years of hard work with gifted therapists and coaches helped me feel ready to usher in a new era of joy.  

Then nothing proceeded to plan (thanks, COVID!).  

BRAVING has helped me navigate the new normal. Here’s how:


I went to a parenting class when my daughter was small. We were asked to draw pictures of our  child — one in which the child was caged, one in which the child was surrounded by lots of white space and a squiggly line, and one in which the child stood alone in a huge, empty space with no lines.  

Like a mother without any sense of boundaries, I showed this to my five-year old and asked what she thought. “You do that one, Mama,” she told me, pointing to the child alone in space. And then she pointed to the squiggly line and said, “I want that.”

I got better (slightly) at setting boundaries for her, but it wasn’t until the pandemic that I got really good at setting my own. And much better at respecting those of others.  

We’ve been forced to reckon with what safety means to us and our families, and what it means to those around us. I’ve been asked, at work and at home, to do things I don’t feel comfortable doing. I’ve said no. I’ve asked others, at work and at home, to do things they’ve not felt comfortable doing. They’ve said no. I can’t overstate the positive impact this clarity has had on me and my relationships.  


If you want to create a trusting environment, do what you say you are going to do. Pre-2020s I was famous for saying, “Sure, I’ll be there,” just before cancelling when my busy life got in the way. I was known for my unreliability. My family started saying, “we don’t know if Ali’s coming until we see the whites of her eyes.”  

My daughter tells me beautifully and honestly that I just wasn’t there for her.  

I. Had. No. Idea.  

This past year and a half has changed all of that. It’s hard not to be where you say you’re going to be when you have nowhere else to go. With all meetings by Zoom and taking place at home, I haven’t missed a thing.

Despite living in isolation, I find I’m having shared emotional experiences with nearly everyone — collective trauma, grief and burnout — all of which have made me even more aware of how important it is for us to keep our commitments to one another. 

When my daughter wants my attention, I give it to her fully. When my colleagues schedule time with me, I show up. I can now honestly say, “you can count on me.”


Accountability means taking ownership for our mistakes, apologizing and making amends.  

There’s nothing like over a year of solitude to create some space for contemplation. I’ve found myself at the line between owning my mistakes and ruminating over what I should have done. And, if you’ve been following me, you know that I preach what I most need to learn — no shoulding on ourselves or others.

Instead, accountability has meant meeting myself with compassion. Reflecting on the things I did or didn’t do, digesting the feelings that accompany how I may have let myself or others down, and integrating the experience so that it becomes a source of wisdom. And then apologizing.  To my daughter, to my work colleagues, to my ex-husband, and to others I let down. 

I have learned to say, “you counted on me to show up fully, and I did not. I’m sorry for that.” 


The vault is another name for confidentiality. We are reminded to only share what is ours to share. Simply put, don’t gossip. As a coach and a former lawyer, I have always taken confidentiality very seriously. Nearly every professional conversation I have is confidential.  

I’ve watched how forced separation from others has changed many workplace dynamics. Without meetings at the school gates, in coffee shops and office corridors, there has been less opportunity for gossip. This has been refreshing!

I’ve also noticed even more space for self-reflection in me and in my coaching clients. Funnily enough, if we don’t hide “self-view” in Zoom, we’re literally “seeing” ourselves in our conversations. That holding up the mirror has helped many honor the commitment to only share what is ours to share. We literally see ourselves making that promise, and we keep it.


Do what is right over what is fun, comfortable or easy. That is how Brené Brown defines integrity. We’re living through times where we’re all called to learn about and to address systemic inequality and injustices wherever we can. These conversations are anything but fun, comfortable or easy. The political polarization that’s happening around the globe is frightening. Yet I continue to be hopeful as I, and others with whom I work, find the courage to have uncomfortable conversations every day about what is right and what is just.  


This has been the best part of this period for me. It’s about not judging ourselves for what we need. And boy has this time taught me that whatever we need is just fine! I’ve never in my many years of coaching seen so much written about self-care, and with such clarity in that it has nothing to do with spa days and facials. It means taking care of ourselves.  

I’ve been practicing a lot of gratitude about living in Southern California these last few years for all kinds of reasons, especially sunshine. The number of times I’ve sat outside in my garden tending to (and sometimes talking to) my flowers and heard that voice in my head saying, “you should go be more productive” is a lot.  

But I’ve cultivated an inner response. At the beginning of the pandemic, I listened to an interview with the author Elizabeth Gilbert. She says she writes in her journal in the form of a dialogue between herself and love. Here’s my go at that:

Ali:  You’ve spent enough time in the garden. You should go work and be productive.

Love:  I’m here for you.

Ali:  Thank you, love, for being here for me. What does that mean?

Love:  Keeping you warm and holding you close without judgment.

Ali: Thank you. I’ll stay in the garden a bit longer and feel this love. It gives me energy.


And finally, make generous assumptions. I’ve been let down during this time. We all have. But I’ve found the bottomless well of compassion for myself and others, and the practice of assuming positive intention of those close to me has been utterly liberating.  

We’re off to a rough start, but I am optimistic about the new roaring twenties. Stay safe, awake and connected. We’ll get through this together and be stronger for it.

Hindsight is 2020: Top Takeaways from a Tough Year

They say hindsight is 2020 and never has that expression mattered more than it does now.  I’ve been reflecting on what 2020 has taught me.  Here are my biggest takeaways from a year that I won’t miss.  

Set intentions not goals.

I coached leaders in enough businesses in 2020 to watch them pivot, iterate, set new goals and scrap OKRs altogether.  There was too much uncertainty, unpredictability, and ever shifting sand to find firm footing.  The companies that I watched succeed, however, stayed true to their intentions.  They didn’t let goal setting anxieties or missing targets hold them back.  I’m following the same advice for myself.

I’ve never been much of a goal setter and, in fact, psychometric instruments (also known as personality tests) back me up on that.  Reflect on that for a moment.  I have three advanced degrees and bucket loads of “achievements” — jobs at the best law firms in the world, an Oxford degree and associate fellowship there, been featured on top radio shows and in prime media publications, and now I’m launching my own business.  And I am not a goal setter.

When I set goals, anxiety sets in.  I can’t sleep and I spend my life measuring things.  When we first launched our online coaching program, I thought I should set goals.  How many instagram followers, email subscribers, and facebook friends do we have?  Suddenly, I couldn’t sleep without checking in on how I was doing against my goals.  When I realized that was happening, I stopped.  

I went back to my intention — to help get as many women into leadership positions as possible.  Suddenly everything shifted.  I stopped counting followers and subscribers.  I refocused all of my attention on what the women I’m coaching need.  What can I do today to support, challenge and promote the women I reach through my work.  That is the only measure of success.  

Goal setting produces anxiety and wastes time.  Intention setting means I am living my core values every day.  And it doesn’t get in the way of achievement. 

Safety is an inside job.

Holy sh*t — did the world feel unsafe this year or what? Once the stay-at-home orders hit California, the panic set it.  I had just finished a meeting in LA and stopped at Whole Foods on the way home.  I had no idea what was happening.  I met a distraught young woman sitting on the floor in the middle of a nearly empty aisle looking for a can of anything.  I sat down next to her.  This was before we knew about masks and social distancing.

“Are you okay?”

She said, “Everyone seems to be panicking so it makes me feel like I should be panicking too.”  

“No,” I said.  “You shouldn’t be.”

That was a profound moment for me.   We talked for awhile about how having an abundance of dried rice and beans and toilet paper wasn’t going to make either of us feel any safer.  I bought beer and left. 

What 2020 made clear was that, yes, we need to pay attention, care for and believe in ourselves and each other, practice safe social distancing and have compassion.  But safety is an inside job. There was nothing we could be certain of in 2020 and that is not going to change in 2021.  I returned to more contemplative practices in 2020.  Meditation to stay present, the poetry of Mary Oliver and the warm fur of my soft animals to keep me warm.

Feeling safe to me means being present and awake in my body.  I feel safe because I am living a life with purpose and intention and believing in myself because I’m living consistently with my values. I recognize that I am privileged to not live with food scarcity and to have a warm place to sleep every night. That is abundance.

Fix your own oxygen mask first.

We can be of no service to others when we are not okay ourselves.  This was the year that I took self care to new levels and never once considered self care to be a selfish act.  I tried out every tool in the resilience tool chest.  

I sent thank you notes to people who helped me along the way which made me feel better for a while. 

I kept a silver linings notebook.  

I meditated for 5 minutes a day, then 10, then twice a day for 20.  I practiced several different kinds of meditation over the last year.

I did yoga, then I hired a trainer, then I tried fast walking, then I did a few deadlifts with my corgi.

I binge watched Netflix, took a break from TV altogether, listened to audiobooks and podcasts, returned to hardcover and took entire media breaks.

I took hot baths and cold showers.

When asked by my coaching clients what to do to feel better, I said “whatever works.”  

The most important lesson I learned was that when we are stuck in our homes for nearly a year, we may have to try different things at different times and we have to take care of ourselves first.  My entire job is to support others and if I’m in bad shape, I’m in no shape to help anyone.  

Never lose your sense of humor.

This familiar adage is one my father used to preach but I don’t think I really appreciated how important it was until this year.  He died a few years ago and mostly I remember him telling me this as a teenager.  Through tears I implored him to understand that there was nothing funny about what I was going through.

Boy was he wise.  Humor is the antidote.  In 2020, so many horrible things were made so clear that we could not look away.  Injustices, murders, inequality, brutality, hate, fear and so much death.  My pod has been very small in 2020.  Limited only to my brother and my daughter.  Thankfully, they are both pretty funny.  

Humor makes us resilient.  Humor weakens negative emotions.  Humor strengthens our immune systems.  Humor makes us feel like we belong.  Humor gives us energy.  Humor revitalizes us.  Humor makes the unbearable bearable. 

In the words of Viktor Frankl, the Austrian Holocaust survivor who wrote about what Auschwitz taught him in Man’s Search for Meaning, “I never would have made it if I could not have laughed. It lifted me momentarily out of this horrible situation, just enough to make it livable.”